This challenge is about taking your Yoga off the mat into your everyday life to create internal calmness, coolness and peace inspiring others to do the same.
- POST 1 Picture or Video a day for 15 days on Instagram and Facebook of you in any Yoga Asana (pose) or Seated Meditation that helps you find internal peace during your busy day.
This can be at work, school, elevator etc. or it can be a picture of you helping another person find their internal peace through the teaching of yoga. This could be a picture, video of you alone or with friend or a group of people.
- CHECK IN at THE SPACE 3 time's + LIKE us on facebook + FOLLOW us in Instagram @thespacevisalia
- CHECK IN AT our Sponsors page Orange Valley Café 2 time's and WRITE one review on Facebook
- Write in your post and tag: @thespacevisalia @orange_valley_cafe @mandukayoga #levityoga #peaceful #warriors #ourtribe #yogachallenge
- Tag any of your friends that you want to join you in the internal peace challenge.
TWO WINNERS, TWO PRIZE by random drawing:
First Prize: 10 Pack Regular Yoga valid for 6 months + $25. Gift Certificate to our Boutique +Free 16 oz. Smoothie for 7 consecutive days from our sponsor Orange Valley Café.
Second Prize: 5 Free Classes + Free made in house Ice Cream Cone for 7 Consecutive days from our sponsor Orange Valley Café.