3:00 - 4:00 pm Donation Only Class
Please join us for a donations only, all levels, 60 minute Vinyasa flow class. This class will be led by our very own veteran as she takes us through a Warrior sequence concluding with some subtle breath work.
All proceeds will go to teaching mindfulness and meditation to veterans as they reintegrate into society here in California. Veterans Path veteranspath.org. PTSD is not easily seen nor discussed but it should be and this organization is bringing to light the silent killer of our Veterans once they return home.
Veterans Path is leading the way in offering safe spaces for female veterans to share their stories, and was ranked one of the top non-profit organizations in 2016.
Please join us @thespacevisalia on Saturday, March 4, 3pm [1500 for the veterans!], as we practice for a non-profit!
Must book in advance follow this link: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=146633&stype=-7&sTG=56&sVT=42&sView=day&sLoc=1&sTrn=100000002&date=03/04/17&sSU=true
Veterans Path: www.veteranspath.org/programs-page.html
@thespacevisalia @veteranspath @four_acres_yoga #yogacommunity #visalia #yogagivesback #doyogachangeyourlife #mindbodybalance #veteranyoga #thankyou #yogagivesback #doyogachangeyourworld
We are asking for a minimum of a $5. donation.