Sweat U Savage
<> Sweat U Savage
All students text or email your current school ID and get your DISCOUNT CODE up to 40% OFF Regular Prices!
TEXT 559.366.2916
EMAIL thespacevisalia@gmail.com
What’s Next: Once you text your school ID or supporting document you will be added to our student membership. This membership is free to join and gives you access to discounted prices. We will also send you a code for an additional 20% off the student rate. Up to 40% savings on regular prices.
With the student membership, you will now be able to see the student and military rates under the service price options for; All Class packs, Hot Yoga, Monthly Unlimited & Yoga.
You can purchase as many as you would like, but the expiration dates stay the same.
Once you choose your package or at checkout, you will enter the code, and it will give an additional 20% off your student price option.
Look for the price option that reads STUDENT AND MILITARY.
FOR EXAMPLE, when making your selection you will go to SERVICE CATEGORY,ALL CLASS PACK, then chose your price option: 15 Pack Student Military $225 add the code it will deduct 20% off = $180
Reg 10 pack Hot yoga $215 Student Discount $160
Reg 15 pack Hot yoga $305 Student Discount $200
Re 10 pack of Yoga $170 Student Discount $100
Reg 15 pack of Yoga $235 Student Discount $144
Unlimited purchases on 10 & 15 Packs of Yoga & Hot Yoga.
Please note the expiration dates. No refunds, no transfers, no exceptions.