Black Light Yoga Night
2023 Theme
- Neon Jungle -
Dress up as your spirit animal or your favorite yoga pose! For example, Garudasana - Eagle Pose, Ustrasana - Camel Pose, Marjaryasana - Cat pose, etc.
Thursday October 26th
6:00 -7:00 pm
Ticket $30
Included in your ticket:
Glow in the dark Jewelry to add some glow to your costume.
60 Min all levels yoga class
Enter for a chance to win 3 Free Classes! (Attending the class in Costume enters you to win) One winner will be drawn at random that evening.
A glass of Ghost Punch
Class starts at 6:00 - 7:00
60 min All Levels Fun Flow you can get as funky or as spooky as you wish in the low light!
Wear your very best glow in the dark Yoga Outfit...... OR Your favorite home crafted store bought however you like to get in Costume psssst White glows brightly!
Kindly book in advance so we can prepare for you!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at or 559.366.2916