3 Dimensional workshop (3 days) (Date: January 4-6)
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit 20 Hours
Yoga Lifestyle + Pre-Post Natal + Yoga for female bodies
You can come for all 2 days or just two! read more below!
Description of full weekend:
This weekend course will provide new and experienced teachers alike with creative, yoga-based tools for self-care and support of healthy lifestyle choices, as well as offer mindful ways to properly teach to your female students changing bodies. Friday night's class will focus on lifestyle choices that keep teachers inspired and inspiring. On Saturday, you will learn how to safely teach both prenatal and postnatal appropriate yoga poses and sequences. Emphasis will be placed on the physical, emotional and mental needs that a woman experiences during these transformational times and how yoga can support her on her journey. On Sunday guidance will be given on how to alter your asana practice with the seasons, the phases of the moon and the hormonal changes in the body. The weekend's explorations will deepen and expand how one teaches and one practices.
Yoga Lifestyles Description:
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of decease.” -Thomas Edison
With every action you take to establish a regular yoga practice in your life, the process of self-transformation from the former pre-yoga life accelerates, and self responsibility grows into a personal stewardship of your own well-being. This class will offer practices that can become a regular and supportive part of your yogic path and wellness. Integration of topics such as neti pot use, skin health, adequate sleep, essential oil, complimentary healing practices and communication tools will be introduced. These practices are all designed to sustain one's life energy and pursuits. After all, in order to contribute to others in a meaningful way, we must first start with care, awareness, and compassion for self.
Prenatal + Postnatal Yoga Descriptions:
“The best thing we can teach any mother is how to listen to her intuition, how to go inside and find her inner voice.” -Kimberly Ann Johnson
Yoga becomes more powerful and helpful when appropriate instruction is given to the uniqueness of each student. This day long class will guide teachers in understanding the specific needs of pregnant and postpartum mothers and their bodies. We will explore what asanas are beneficial during this time as well as which ones to avoid practicing. Combining breathing exercise, physical movements and meditations that both keep the female body and psyche strong as well as flexible during this special time. Poses taught will support the nervous system and thus balance the hormones calming fears and anxieties that women face during these powerful times. Encouragement will be placed on how to help support a women in trusting her changing body, its abilities in birthing and it’s innate capacity to heal itself postpartum. Prenatal and postnatal yoga impacts not only the mother’s journey but also supports the healthy start of the next generation.
Yoga for Women
“The individual, who is unique, and whose circumstances change, must be the main factor in determining what should be taught and how” Sri Krishnamacharya
The second session, called Yoga for Women will focus mainly on how yoga can support your health during seasonal, monthly and hormonal shifts. Looking into the unique aspects of the female body and their responses to change, guidance will be given on how to adapt yoga during various shifts women face as well as all humans. Majority of the class will address but not limited to: hormonal health, the pelvic floor and the energies centers associated. A woman’s body in particular goes through many transformations with each month and also over the course of her life, for example menstrual, pregnancy and menopausal shifts occur. For men, they too are affected by nature’s seasonal and lunar cycles as well as hormonal transitions such as andropause. The tools offered in this in-depth workshop/class will teach how yoga can best be used in the changing body and psyche. These tools will enhance students or teachers to move with more easy through inevitable changes, increasing overall wellness and wholeness that the body seeks and that yoga is designed for. Attention will be placed on how yoga sequencing and pace can be adapted as our bodies change and how the moon phases and season's affects ones practice. We will have time to both talk and learn about these changes and practice different postures and movements to support them.
3 Dimensional workshop (3 days) (Date: January 4-6)
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit 20 Hours
You can choose to come the whole weekend Fri-Sun $300 investment
You can pick just Fri + Saturday $150 Investment
You can pick just Fri + Sunday $150 Investment
Tawny Sterios
FRIDAY (1/4) (Tawyn Sterios)
6:00-10:00 PM Introduction to Tawny Sterios + Yoga Lifestyle
SATURDAY (1/5) (Tawny Sterios)
6:00-8:30 AM Asana practice / Journaling
12:30-5:00 PM Pre/Postnatal Yoga
SUNDAY (1/6) (Tawny Sterios)
6:00-8:30 AM Asana practice / Journaling
12:30-5:00 PM Yoga for Women