Foundations of Yoga Asana + Philosophy + Intro Ayurveda
Saturday March 10th 11 am – 2 pm
[ Yogic Lunch Served ]
Please join Kristen McQuaide 500 HR RYT, Owner + Director of The Space Yoga Studio and Gillian Wilson BA in Nutrition, 200 HR RYT for an afternoon of all things broken down to the basics to build a strong + steady yogic foundation.
Topics we will cover:
Foundations of yoga Philosophy
Extensive Yoga Asana Lab - Postures
Intro to Ayurveda (Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga)
Tridoshic Yogic Lunch Served
Extended Supported Savasana + Essential oils
Please bring a notebook, an open heart + mind and willingness to feel good and laugh while we learn.
o A·yur·ve·da [ˌäyərˈvādə]
Ayurveda is a rich, ancient medical/holistic system from the vedic civilization of India, and a living science that allows for an awakening into greater harmony and balance. This is the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.
o Tridoshic [ try-doe-shick ]: Balancing the three Doshas. Ayurveda: Science of Life. The human body is a biological combination of the five elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The combination of Ether and Air form Vatha/Vata, Fire and Water form Pitta, and Water and Earth form Kapha.
Find your Dosha for free:
Upon completion you will get a Free 3 Week Pass to all the classes we offer + 30% off any Manduka Mat we have in stock.
$45 Before $55 At the Door
The Space Yoga Studio 525 E Acequia Ave Visalia Ca 323 683 7538