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Yoga Intuition and Awakening the Healing Power of Your Inner Teacher

Yoga Intuition and Awakening the Healing Power of Your Inner Teacher
with Peter Sterios ERYT-500

What if your yoga practice could consistently inspire you, leading you towards the hidden gifts found in our subtle bodies, and the natural healing forces we all possess?

At its heart, this workshop class will help you create a yoga-inspired guide for living and healing, filled with insight from your experiences during class. The knowledge you gain will be uniquely individual, emphasizing your own intuitive creativity that allows a very personal yoga practice and helps uncover the hidden gifts yoga truly offers for well being...

During the class, you’ll be shown how to:
• examine your understanding and relationship to resistance and limitation
• learn the language your body uses to communicate imbalance - physically and psychologically
• discover the two primary energies of the subtle body - gravity and grace, and the way they affect how you move, breathe, and create space for healing.
• stimulate your own creative forces that help build mental focus, clarity, and poise.
• recognize and value the wisdom of your own experience and the essential parts for building a personal yoga practice.

Following the workshop, Peter will lead a conversation and share stories from his new book Gravity & Grace, published by SoundsTrue, and each in attendance will receive a FREE copy signed by the author.

Date: Sunday, November 24
Times: 2:30 -5:30 pm Workshop class - Short lecture followed by dynamic yoga practice using the subtle-body elements of gravity and grace. Class suitable for all levels, teachers and teacher trainees.
4:30 - 5:30 pm Meet the author - Peter will share stories from the book and be available for Q&A, with book signing and refreshments.

Pricing: (includes a FREE copy of Peter’s new book Gravity & Grace)
$45 early bird (before November 16)
$60 at the door


Peters Bio

Peter Sterios is a creative instructor, author, entrepreneur, and founder of LEVITYoGA™ and MANDUKA™. His first DVD “Gravity & Grace” made Yoga Journal’s ‘top 15 yoga videos of all time’. Peter taught yoga at the White House for Michelle Obama's anti-obesity initiatives for three years and in 2018, was invited to the Pentagon to share ideas about yoga therapeutics for the US Marine Corps. He lives in San Luis Obispo and leads Teacher Trainings, Workshops, and Retreats internationally. Peter’s first book “Gravity & Grace: How to Awaken Your Subtle Body and the Healing Power of Yoga” published by SoundsTrue will be available in October 2019. For more info, visit

Earlier Event: October 31
Black Light Hot Halloween Night